
Showing posts from September, 2017

LeetCode] 644.Maximum Average Subarray II

LeetCode 644. Maximum Average Subarray II lintcode 671 Given an array consisting of  n  integers, find the contiguous subarray whose  length is greater than or equal to   k  that has the maximum average value. And you need to output the maximum average value. Example 1: Input: [1,12,-5,-6,50,3], k = 4 Output: 12.75 Explanation: when length is 5, maximum average value is 10.8, when length is 6, maximum average value is 9.16667. Thus return 12.75. Note: 1 <=  k  <=  n  <= 10,000. Elements of the given array will be in range [-10,000, 10,000]. The answer with the calculation error less than 10 -5  will be accepted. 题目大意: 给定包含n个整数的数组,寻找长度大于等于k的连续子数组的平均值的最大值。 没有买leetcode,所以复制粘贴了题目,这道题看起来跟 他的兄弟 差不多,但是实际上差很多。。。 lintcode 671  这个一模一样的就是hint和限制条件没有。所以可以用这个来测。 这个解释的很详细 这个也很好 我开始用的是暴...

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